Monday, October 16, 2006

Recent Downtime.

First and foremost, you have our apologies for the recent downtime of both GamerzPlanet and GzPUpload. Due to a server-compromise, resulting in malicious code being injected into two of the sites running off the GzP server, we had to shut down the site. This was merely a measure to protect you from potentially being infected. The code consisted of an iframe, which then contained a website utilizing a WMF exploit, designed to infect Internet Explorer users and crash Firefox browsers. (See CVE-2005-1790 for detailed information)

Anyway, after a decent amount of downtime, after all of our efforts to rectify the problems basically bottomed-out, the decision was made for the site to be put back online without certain AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) functions. This is more of a temporary fix to prevent infection to the users, until we can completely isolate the problem and then proceed to fix it.

For the time being, GamerzPlanet, GzPArcade and ForumzPlanet are functioning normally (or close to it), and you won't be infected. However, GzPUpload is still affected, and we advise users to stay away from the site unless you have JavaScript disabled.

If you have any suggestions to aid us in our efforts, feel free to contact any of the GamerzPlanet administration.



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